

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a healthcare profession which focuses on body movements and enhancing function, not only for post-injury or painful conditions, but also for preventative purposes.

Physiotherapy aims at achieving pain relief and optimizing quality of life by means of various therapeutic interventions by Physiotherapists or Physical therapists. Physiotherapists use tools like

Electro-therapeutic pain modalities, customized exercise prescription as per the patient’s condition, joint mobilizations, soft tissue/myofascial release, recommending assistive devices/orthotics, in order to help their patients, achieve their goals. Electrical modalities like Transcutaneous Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation (TENS), Interferential Current therapy (IFC), LASER, Shockwave Therapy, spinal traction/decompression etc. as indicated. Therapeutic modalities can also include safe application of heat and cold.

Who can deliver Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapists registered with the provincial regulatory college in Canada are qualified to deliver patient care by means of conducting a detailed assessment and designing a plan of care for their patients.

What areas can Physiotherapy help in?

Physiotherapy can help in wide variety of conditions including musculoskeletal injuries, sports rehabilitation neurological conditions, concussion, cardio-respiratory, preventative purposes, health promotion and the list goes on!

Here are a few conditions that can give you an idea about application of Physiotherapy:

  • Neck pain/postural syndromes
  • Concussion Rehabilitation
  • Low back pain
  • Arthritis (Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis etc)
  • Joint pain (Shoulder, hip, knee, foot and ankle etc)
  • Jaw pain (Temporomandibular joint dysfunction)
  • Joint replacements
  • Ligament injuries (sprain/strain)
  • Post-surgical rehabilitation
  • Sports-specific injuries
  • Post-traumatic/motor vehicle accident injuries
  • Workplace related injuries (Repetitive sprain/strain, tendinitis etc)
  • Stroke
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Balance training

Apart from this, there are some speciality areas where physiotherapy can assist like:

  • Vestibular conditions (Vertigo, dizziness)
  • Pelvic floor Muscle weakness for urinary incontinence
  • Cancer rehabilitation


What to expect in your Physiotherapy visit?

  • Your physiotherapist will perform a detailed assessment which can include measuring range of motion for the joints, assessing muscle strength. Your physiotherapist might carry out certain special tests to confirm clinical diagnosis.
  • Your physiotherapist will then explain your diagnosis to you, design your plan of care as per the requirement of your diagnosis.
  • The plan of care will include your goals, exercise prescription, therapeutic modalities, if any and frequency of your visits. A copy of your plan of care will also be sent to your family physician to keep your healthcare professionals updated about your condition.
  • A treatment session will then be conducted to help you with your pain relief.
  • Your physiotherapist will also perform a re-assessment to track your progress and decide treatment progression and discharge planning.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is there any age group/population limitation for physiotherapy?
  • Physiotherapy is not limited to a particular age group/population. It can help individuals from any age group from new born to elderly population with a particular condition as well as healthy individuals for maintaining optimal health.


  1. Are there any side-effects of physiotherapy?
  • No, there are no side-effects of physiotherapy. However, you might experience some temporary mild muscle soreness after an active exercise session which can last a few hours to a day.


  1. Can I perform my daily activities like gym, work related activities while tsking Physiotherapy treatment?
  • Yes, most of the times, you can participate in all activities while taking physiotherapy treatment, unless otherwise advised by your physiotherapist. Your physiotherapist will inform you if there are any activity restrictions or modifications which are needed to be followed while you are on Physiotherapy Treatment.